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Annual Plan 2025/26 and Local Water Done Well

Submission Form

Privacy and your personal details.

We collect demographic data to ensure we are hearing from all voices in the community. We do not publish personal information or contact details.

You have the choice below to withhold your name from being made public. 

However, if you wanting to speak to your submission at a hearing with elected members, or are submitting on behalf of an organisation, business or other group, you must allow for your name to be publicly available.

You can read our full privacy statement at

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Select option

Select option

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



Are you submitting on behalf of an organisation, club, business or residents' association?

This is not your place of work. Only answer this question if you have permission to submit on behalf of and represent their views.

Would you like to present your submission to Council?

* required
Hearings are scheduled for Thursday 22 May 2025

Do you support discontinuing the Event Investment Programme and Chamber of Commerce grant as a way to reduce rates increases?


Do you support increasing fees for the parking hourly rate by $0.50 as a way to reduce rates increases?


Do you support increasing fees for the building consent hourly rate to $270 as a way to reduce rates increases?


Do you support increasing Cannons Creek Pool entry charges by 25% as a way to reduce rates increases?


Porirua City Council is presenting two options for the future of water services for Porirua. Which option do you believe is the best for delivering reliable drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services?