Development Contributions Policy 2024

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This consultation has now closed. Submissions will be presented to Council on Thursday 29 August. We will update this page following that meeting.

We’re reviewing our Development Contributions Policy and we are looking to hear your thoughts on the proposed changes.

We are required to review our Development Contributions Policy at least every three years.

These reviews provide us with the opportunity to:

  • Implement learnings since the adoption of the previous policy
  • Implement national best practice and update any changes to policy administration
  • Update underlying assumptions around our infrastructure and growth capacity
  • Revise our assumptions surrounding development within the city
  • Incorporate updated growth forecasts and infrastructure demand expected from growth
  • Incorporate revised project lists from Asset Management Plans, the Long-term Plan 2024
  • Update assumptions about future interest and inflation rates.

The DCP 2024 review has provided the opportunity to assess:

  1. how growth-related investment in our brownfield parks and reserves network is funded,
  2. how the DCP supports the preamble of the Te Ture Whenua Act 1993
  3. the content, format, and function of the current policy to incorporate learnings and changes since the previous adoption.

In preparation for the DCP 2024 workshops were held with councillors to ensure elected members have had the opportunity to understand the proposed changes and alignment with best practice.

Through the adoption of the 2021 DCP Council noted an intention to review non-residential factors underpinning its DCP.

Due to the broader complexities and uncertainties of potential impacts relating to Government initiatives the review of the non-residential factors has been delayed to the 2027 DCP.

The policy review allows us to effectively plan and finance future growth within our city.

In this consultation we want to know your views on the proposed Development Contributions Policy

  1. Do you support the proposal?
  2. What is your preferred option?

Making a submission - submissions close 19 August 2024

You can find copies of this proposal at all Porirua City libraries, and at our front counter at Customer Services, Porirua City Council, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5022.

You can have your say in a number of ways:

  • Make an online submission at the bottom of this webpage. You can also download a submission form from the right hand side menu, under Consultation documents.
  • By email to: with “Development Contributions Policy 2024” in the subject line.
  • By hand at:
    • Front counter, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua City
    • Any of our libraries
  • By post:
    Development Contributions Policy 2024
    Porirua City Council
    PO Box 50218
    Porirua City 5240

Your privacy
All submissions are public information. This supports our drive to be as transparent as possible, but if there are any personal details you don’t want made public, please let us know.

We collect demographic data to help us identify if we are reaching the voices from all areas of our community. Providing demographic information is optional.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email us at or call on (04) 237 5089.

This consultation has now closed. Submissions will be presented to Council on Thursday 29 August. We will update this page following that meeting.

We’re reviewing our Development Contributions Policy and we are looking to hear your thoughts on the proposed changes.

We are required to review our Development Contributions Policy at least every three years.

These reviews provide us with the opportunity to:

  • Implement learnings since the adoption of the previous policy
  • Implement national best practice and update any changes to policy administration
  • Update underlying assumptions around our infrastructure and growth capacity
  • Revise our assumptions surrounding development within the city
  • Incorporate updated growth forecasts and infrastructure demand expected from growth
  • Incorporate revised project lists from Asset Management Plans, the Long-term Plan 2024
  • Update assumptions about future interest and inflation rates.

The DCP 2024 review has provided the opportunity to assess:

  1. how growth-related investment in our brownfield parks and reserves network is funded,
  2. how the DCP supports the preamble of the Te Ture Whenua Act 1993
  3. the content, format, and function of the current policy to incorporate learnings and changes since the previous adoption.

In preparation for the DCP 2024 workshops were held with councillors to ensure elected members have had the opportunity to understand the proposed changes and alignment with best practice.

Through the adoption of the 2021 DCP Council noted an intention to review non-residential factors underpinning its DCP.

Due to the broader complexities and uncertainties of potential impacts relating to Government initiatives the review of the non-residential factors has been delayed to the 2027 DCP.

The policy review allows us to effectively plan and finance future growth within our city.

In this consultation we want to know your views on the proposed Development Contributions Policy

  1. Do you support the proposal?
  2. What is your preferred option?

Making a submission - submissions close 19 August 2024

You can find copies of this proposal at all Porirua City libraries, and at our front counter at Customer Services, Porirua City Council, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5022.

You can have your say in a number of ways:

  • Make an online submission at the bottom of this webpage. You can also download a submission form from the right hand side menu, under Consultation documents.
  • By email to: with “Development Contributions Policy 2024” in the subject line.
  • By hand at:
    • Front counter, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua City
    • Any of our libraries
  • By post:
    Development Contributions Policy 2024
    Porirua City Council
    PO Box 50218
    Porirua City 5240

Your privacy
All submissions are public information. This supports our drive to be as transparent as possible, but if there are any personal details you don’t want made public, please let us know.

We collect demographic data to help us identify if we are reaching the voices from all areas of our community. Providing demographic information is optional.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email us at or call on (04) 237 5089.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 04 Oct 2024, 06:15 AM