What is a submission?

    A submission is a written statement that explains your views on a council matter.

    When can I make a submission?

    Consultations we are seeking feedback on will be listed on our website at https://haveyoursay.poriruacity.govt.nz 

    We also advertise in the Kapi-Mana newspaper and through our Facebook page.

    How do I make a submission?

    •    Go to our website and search for “Have your say”.

    •    Complete the submission form online or download and print the PDF to fill in by hand, then scan 

    and email as an attachment to submissions@poriruacity.govt.nz

    •    You may also drop off handwritten submissions at our front counter.

    REMEMBER:  Submissions to the proposed plans, bylaws or policies must be received by Council no  

    later than the date advertised.

    How does Council process submissions?

    When making a decision on a particular matter, Council will take into account:  

    • The evidence provided. 

    • Advice from Council officers.  

    • The views of the people most affected by a proposal.  

    • The particular views of people. 

    • The number of people holding a particular view.  


    Please note that any submission you make becomes publicly available. If you are making a submission as an individual, we will remove your personal contact details, however your name will still be associated with your submission unless you request for its removal.  We also collect demographic information to help us know if we are hearing from all areas of the community.