Freedom Camping Bylaw 2025

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Porirua City Council is reviewing the way it manages freedom camping in the city.

Currently this is done under both the Reserves Act 1977 through the Reserves Management Plan and the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) through the Public Places Bylaw.

Council is now proposing to introduce a Freedom Camping Bylaw to provide better tools for freedom camping management across the city. Under the proposed bylaw, freedom camping on reserves would continue to be managed under the Reserves Act, but freedom camping on other Council land would be managed under the Freedom Camping Act 2011.

The proposed bylaw will give Council officers the ability to issue on-the-spot fines. We hope this will reduce the number of people not complying with our freedom camping rules.

You can view the Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw under 'Documents' on the right-hand-side menu.

It is important to note that under the Freedom Camping Act, freedom camping can only be restricted or prohibited if it is necessary to:

• protect the area

• protect the health and safety of people who may visit the area or

• protect access to the area.

The Council has assessed these requirements and determined it is necessary to make this bylaw.

The proposed bylaw addresses freedom camping in two different ways:

• freedom camping on Council land in a tent or other temporary structure, or in a motor vehicle that is not self-contained, is not permitted

• freedom camping in a self-contained motor vehicle is generally allowed, but prohibited in certain locations, and restricted in others (and subject to specific restrictions).

In effect, this continues the current approach in the district.

The proposed sites where freedom camping in a self-contained motor vehicle is permitted with restrictions are:

• Bedford Court car park

• Bradeys Bay

• Camborne Walkway northern car park (Grays Road end)

• Ngāti Toa Domain

• Ocean Parade car park, Pukerua Bay

• The car park opposite 19–25 Terrace Rd, Titahi Bay.

Freedom camping will be restricted to a maximum of three nights with in a 30-day period at each site. At Ocean Parade car park and the Camborne Walkway northern car park, freedom camping is restricted to vehicles 6 metres in length or less – this will mean buses and larger campervans will not be permitted at these sites. It is Council's intent that the Freedom Camping Bylaw will be used to manage genuine freedom camping and is not an appropriate tool to manage homelessness. It is important for submitters to bear this in mind when considering the proposal.

The Freedom Camping Assessment Data at the end of the Statement of Proposal has also been uploaded as a spreadsheet under the Documents tab.

In this consultation phase, we want to know your views on the proposed bylaw and schedules.

Making a submission – submissions close 10 February 2025

You can find copies of this proposal at all Porirua City libraries, and at our front counter at Customer Services, Porirua City Council, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5022.

You can have your say in a number of ways:

  • make an online submission at the bottom of this webpage. You can also download a submission form from the right hand side menu, under Consultation documents.
  • by email to: with “Freedom Camping Bylaw 2025 ” in the subject line.
  • by hand at:
    • front counter, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua City
    • any of our libraries
  • by post:
    Freepost 4517
    Freedom Camping Bylaw 2025
    Porirua City Council
    PO Box 50218
    Porirua City 5240

Your submission is subject to meeting the moderation criteria - you can find out more here.

Your privacy
All submissions are public information. This supports our drive to be as transparent as possible, but if there are any personal details you don’t want made public, please let us know.

We collect demographic data to help us identify whether we are reaching the voices from all areas of our community. Providing demographic information is optional.

Want to know more?
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email us at or call on (04) 237 5089.


Porirua City Council is reviewing the way it manages freedom camping in the city.

Currently this is done under both the Reserves Act 1977 through the Reserves Management Plan and the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) through the Public Places Bylaw.

Council is now proposing to introduce a Freedom Camping Bylaw to provide better tools for freedom camping management across the city. Under the proposed bylaw, freedom camping on reserves would continue to be managed under the Reserves Act, but freedom camping on other Council land would be managed under the Freedom Camping Act 2011.

The proposed bylaw will give Council officers the ability to issue on-the-spot fines. We hope this will reduce the number of people not complying with our freedom camping rules.

You can view the Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw under 'Documents' on the right-hand-side menu.

It is important to note that under the Freedom Camping Act, freedom camping can only be restricted or prohibited if it is necessary to:

• protect the area

• protect the health and safety of people who may visit the area or

• protect access to the area.

The Council has assessed these requirements and determined it is necessary to make this bylaw.

The proposed bylaw addresses freedom camping in two different ways:

• freedom camping on Council land in a tent or other temporary structure, or in a motor vehicle that is not self-contained, is not permitted

• freedom camping in a self-contained motor vehicle is generally allowed, but prohibited in certain locations, and restricted in others (and subject to specific restrictions).

In effect, this continues the current approach in the district.

The proposed sites where freedom camping in a self-contained motor vehicle is permitted with restrictions are:

• Bedford Court car park

• Bradeys Bay

• Camborne Walkway northern car park (Grays Road end)

• Ngāti Toa Domain

• Ocean Parade car park, Pukerua Bay

• The car park opposite 19–25 Terrace Rd, Titahi Bay.

Freedom camping will be restricted to a maximum of three nights with in a 30-day period at each site. At Ocean Parade car park and the Camborne Walkway northern car park, freedom camping is restricted to vehicles 6 metres in length or less – this will mean buses and larger campervans will not be permitted at these sites. It is Council's intent that the Freedom Camping Bylaw will be used to manage genuine freedom camping and is not an appropriate tool to manage homelessness. It is important for submitters to bear this in mind when considering the proposal.

The Freedom Camping Assessment Data at the end of the Statement of Proposal has also been uploaded as a spreadsheet under the Documents tab.

In this consultation phase, we want to know your views on the proposed bylaw and schedules.

Making a submission – submissions close 10 February 2025

You can find copies of this proposal at all Porirua City libraries, and at our front counter at Customer Services, Porirua City Council, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua 5022.

You can have your say in a number of ways:

  • make an online submission at the bottom of this webpage. You can also download a submission form from the right hand side menu, under Consultation documents.
  • by email to: with “Freedom Camping Bylaw 2025 ” in the subject line.
  • by hand at:
    • front counter, 16 Cobham Court, Porirua City
    • any of our libraries
  • by post:
    Freepost 4517
    Freedom Camping Bylaw 2025
    Porirua City Council
    PO Box 50218
    Porirua City 5240

Your submission is subject to meeting the moderation criteria - you can find out more here.

Your privacy
All submissions are public information. This supports our drive to be as transparent as possible, but if there are any personal details you don’t want made public, please let us know.

We collect demographic data to help us identify whether we are reaching the voices from all areas of our community. Providing demographic information is optional.

Want to know more?
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please email us at or call on (04) 237 5089.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 02:53 PM