There are potential sites that are not included in the Thrive review, like Dolly Varden Park and Bothamley Lane. Why are these not included in the review?
Sites on reserve land are not included as the proposed bylaw only applies on non-reserve land. However, the Thrive Assessment was undertaken on all Council sites, including reserve land.
Sites on reserve land: What will their status be under the proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw?
Under the proposal, freedom camping on reserve land will continue to be managed under the Reserves Management Plan (Reserves Act). Under the Reserves Act freedom camping is prohibited by default, freedom camping will remain prohibited at the sites above.
The list of sites reviewed in the “Proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw” document includes 4 NZTA sites, what will their status be under the proposed Freedom Camping Bylaw?
The NZTA sites are:
• Aotea Lagoon (Papakowhai)
• Brendon Beach Reserve (Pukerua)
• Brown’s Bay (Whitby)
• Ivey Bay (Paremata)
Freedom camping is permitted on NZTA sites by default. That is the case under our current freedom camping rules, so the proposed bylaw isn’t changing anything. If freedom camping becomes an issue at these sites, we can add them into the bylaw at a later date with NZTA’s approval. Prohibiting freedom camping at these sites may not be an option under the Freedom Camping Act, so we may only be able to restrict freedom camping (permit with rules).
Also included in Schedule 2 Permitted/restricted areas are maps of Bradey’s Bay and Ngāti Toa Domain. These are not included in the Thrive review.
These sites are on reserve land. These are the only reserve sites included in the bylaw. They are included as they are current freedom camping sites.
Freedom Camping at these sites will be permitted under both the Freedom Camping Act and Reserves Act, but outside of the designated camping areas the Reserves Act applies – i.e. infringements for offences committed outside the designated camping area (which includes camping) will be made under the Reserves Act, infringements for offences committed in the designated camping area (littering, breaking camping rules, etc) will be made under the Freedom Camping Act or Reserves Act (whichever is applicable for the offense).
What if people freedom camp at sites not included in the bylaw?
Our current sites are not at capacity, so we believe the sites in the bylaw will be sufficient for some time. When that is no longer the case we will look to add new sites.
As noted, if freedom camping outside the permitted sites becomes an issue, we will assess whether we need to include those sites in the bylaw. However, any decision needs to be made against the requirements of the Freedom Camping Act. We can’t assume that freedom camping will be banned at these sites. We may need to permit freedom camping with some rules.
Additionally, many carparks are reserve land, Dolly Varden for example, and anyone freedom camping there can be issued an infringement by Council officers under the Reserves Act.
Will additional restricted and/or prohibited areas be able to be included in the bylaw?
We will take feedback from consultation into account when finalising the bylaw. It is unlikely that additional restricted sites will be considered. Through consultation we may receive information that would make us consider additional prohibited sites.
If the proposed bylaw is adopted by Council, it will be reviewed within five years, and every ten years after that. At each review officers will consider whether changes are needed. Council can also make changes early if necessary.
Should all possible areas be considered at this time?
The proposed bylaw was developed to provide sufficient freedom camping spots while restricting freedom camping to a small number of locations. As this bylaw is a significant change to how we manage freedom camping it is difficult to predict how camper behaviour may change. We will monitor camping and make changes to the bylaw as needed.