Rates increase

What is the 18% figure referring to? Surely that's not the average rate rise for this year. I am all for well-funded public services, but our rates are so far out of whack in Porirua that I'm not sure this is the answer.
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PK 6 months ago
Our recent rates invoice shows an increase of just over 20% for both Porirua and the Greater Wellington Regional Council. This is just unbelievable. Why can't the council cut its spending as well?
Share Our recent rates invoice shows an increase of just over 20% for both Porirua and the Greater Wellington Regional Council. This is just unbelievable. Why can't the council cut its spending as well? on Facebook Share Our recent rates invoice shows an increase of just over 20% for both Porirua and the Greater Wellington Regional Council. This is just unbelievable. Why can't the council cut its spending as well? on Twitter Share Our recent rates invoice shows an increase of just over 20% for both Porirua and the Greater Wellington Regional Council. This is just unbelievable. Why can't the council cut its spending as well? on Linkedin Email Our recent rates invoice shows an increase of just over 20% for both Porirua and the Greater Wellington Regional Council. This is just unbelievable. Why can't the council cut its spending as well? link
Shiya 10 months ago
This is absolutely unbelievable, the rates are too high and plus the mortgage makes our life so difficult 
Share This is absolutely unbelievable, the rates are too high and plus the mortgage makes our life so difficult  on Facebook Share This is absolutely unbelievable, the rates are too high and plus the mortgage makes our life so difficult  on Twitter Share This is absolutely unbelievable, the rates are too high and plus the mortgage makes our life so difficult  on Linkedin Email This is absolutely unbelievable, the rates are too high and plus the mortgage makes our life so difficult  link
RJ 11 months ago
This is really going to push people out of Porirua. Homeowners and Renters. 18% rise when costs are so high for everything else. 
Share This is really going to push people out of Porirua. Homeowners and Renters. 18% rise when costs are so high for everything else.  on Facebook Share This is really going to push people out of Porirua. Homeowners and Renters. 18% rise when costs are so high for everything else.  on Twitter Share This is really going to push people out of Porirua. Homeowners and Renters. 18% rise when costs are so high for everything else.  on Linkedin Email This is really going to push people out of Porirua. Homeowners and Renters. 18% rise when costs are so high for everything else.  link
Admin Commented yasmeen.fawcett 12 months ago
Kia ora Y R,  Thanks for your comment. The indicative rates rise of 18% was discussed at the Council meeting on 14 December 2023 and is the indicative average rates rise in the first year of our Long-term Plan (LTP) based on our current calculations. Our teams are still working through the details, and we will release full details on our proposed rate increases in March, when we consult with the community on our budgets. Please have a look at the 'Important links' section on this page to view relevant documents and recent announcements from central Government.
Share Kia ora Y R,  Thanks for your comment. The indicative rates rise of 18% was discussed at the Council meeting on 14 December 2023 and is the indicative average rates rise in the first year of our Long-term Plan (LTP) based on our current calculations. Our teams are still working through the details, and we will release full details on our proposed rate increases in March, when we consult with the community on our budgets. Please have a look at the 'Important links' section on this page to view relevant documents and recent announcements from central Government. on Facebook Share Kia ora Y R,  Thanks for your comment. The indicative rates rise of 18% was discussed at the Council meeting on 14 December 2023 and is the indicative average rates rise in the first year of our Long-term Plan (LTP) based on our current calculations. Our teams are still working through the details, and we will release full details on our proposed rate increases in March, when we consult with the community on our budgets. Please have a look at the 'Important links' section on this page to view relevant documents and recent announcements from central Government. on Twitter Share Kia ora Y R,  Thanks for your comment. The indicative rates rise of 18% was discussed at the Council meeting on 14 December 2023 and is the indicative average rates rise in the first year of our Long-term Plan (LTP) based on our current calculations. Our teams are still working through the details, and we will release full details on our proposed rate increases in March, when we consult with the community on our budgets. Please have a look at the 'Important links' section on this page to view relevant documents and recent announcements from central Government. on Linkedin Email Kia ora Y R,  Thanks for your comment. The indicative rates rise of 18% was discussed at the Council meeting on 14 December 2023 and is the indicative average rates rise in the first year of our Long-term Plan (LTP) based on our current calculations. Our teams are still working through the details, and we will release full details on our proposed rate increases in March, when we consult with the community on our budgets. Please have a look at the 'Important links' section on this page to view relevant documents and recent announcements from central Government. link