2 Okowai Road, Aotea - RCA23114 (RC8897)
20 December 2024 - A decision has been reached by the Independent Hearing Commissioners.
To understand more about this decision, please read the newsfeed article below or view the decision documents located under 'Documents' on the right hand side menu, located in the file 'Decision Report and Stamped Plans'.
The hearing will take place at Council Chambers, Porirua City Council, Administration Building on Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th November 2024.
If you have made a submission and are speaking or wish to speak at the hearing please confirm to submissions@poriruacity.govt.nz to be able to create the hearing schedule.
To find out more about the process and speaking at a hearing, please contact Emily, independent friend of the submitter, friendofsubmitters@baylissconsulting.co.nz.
The hearing will be lived streamed on Porirua City's YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@poriruacity.
Submissions closed at 5:00pm on Tuesday 20 August 2024.
The Porirua City Council has received an application (Ref: RCA23114 (RC8897)) for resource consent (land use) from:
NAME OF APPLICANT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Trust Board
PROPOSAL & ADDRESS: Establish and operate a Community Facility at 2 Okowai Road, Aotea (Lot 4 Deposited Plan 54351)
Public notification of the application is required under section 95A(8)(b) and 95D of the Resource Management Act.
The proposed Community Facility development will consist of one Temple building, one ancillary building, four accessory buildings/structures, landscaping and carparking at 2 Okowai Road, Aotea.
The proposed development will involve the following broad activities/individual elements:
- Vegetation clearance and tree removal;
- Bulk Earthworks including the construction of retaining walls;
- Construction of a Temple Building with a total Gross Floor Area of approximately 1,353m2. The Temple will reach a maximum height of 37.475m (including the 2.3m high spire) above ground level;
- Construction of an Ancillary building with a total Gross Floor Area of approximately 1,330m2. The Ancillary building will have a maximum height of 9.96m above ground level;
- Construction of the accessory buildings and carpark containing 74 parking spaces.
The Community Facility development has been designed to host a maximum of 208 people, however, the typical number of people present at any one time will generally be up to 50 (excluding a very small number of staff).
The hours of operation for the Temple will be between the hours of 6am and 10pm Tuesdays - Fridays and between the hours of 6am and 1pm on Saturdays.
The following areas of the development will be illuminated at night:
- Carpark (including the pedestrian crossing and disability car parks);
- Temple façade, including the tower sections; and
- Certain areas of landscaping.
A detailed description of the proposal is provided in the application documents.
The full public notice, application documents and online submission form can be found under Documents on the right hand side menu.
The application includes an assessment of environmental effects, accompanying technical reports and supporting plans. The application may be inspected at the Porirua City Council, Administration Building, Customer Service Centre (ground floor), Cobham Court, Porirua, between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, or viewable under Documents on the right hand side menu. Please contact submissions@poriruacity.govt.nz or phone 04 237 5089 if you have any questions about the application.
Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the Applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that—
(a) adversely affects the environment; and
(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
The statutory period will close and submissions must be received no later than 5pm Tuesday 20th August 2024.
A copy of your submission must also be served as soon as reasonably practicable on the Applicant whose address for service is:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Trust Board
C/O Osborne Hay (North) Limited
PO Box 16 Warkworth Auckland 0941
Attn: David Hay
For further information contact submissions@poriruacity.govt.nz